40:860 Formation Workshop: Spirituality of Church Business Administration
This workshop will introduce students to the principles of Church Business Administration in a spiritual perspective. Topics may include mission integration, budgeting, fiscal responsibility, and fundraising. Br. James Jensen, OSB is the almoner of Saint Meinrad Archabbey and a Certified Public Accountant. The almoner oversees the Archabbey's support for the poor and charitable causes. He has 10 years of experience as a donor relations associate in the Development Office. He also co-teaches the "Parish Business and Administration" course for seminarians with civil and canon lawyer Dr. Michael Dunnigan.
New Offering (1 credit or non-credit option)
One-credit fee: $693 (Additional coursework required for credit)
Non-credit fee: $250
For any questions, please contact the Office of the Graduate Theology Program at ithompson@saintmeinrad.edu or 812-357-6336.