
Saint Meinrad Archabbey Church will again open to visitors

Thursday, June 17, 2021
After being closed to the public for more than 15 months, the Saint Meinrad Archabbey Church will again be open for Mass and prayer.

After being closed to the public for more than 15 months, the Saint Meinrad Archabbey Church will again be open for Mass and prayer.

When the COVID-19 pandemic arrived in the area in March 2020, the Benedictine monks continued their commitment to daily Mass and prayer but closed the church to outside visitors. Beginning with Vespers at 5 p.m. CT on Saturday, July 3, the church will once again be open to guests.

Visitors who are not vaccinated are asked to wear masks in the church. Anyone is welcome to wear a mask if they choose. Hand sanitizer and masks will be available in the church. At this time, Communion will be offered under only one species and the sign of peace will not include physical contact.

The Mass and prayer schedule is as follows (Saint Meinrad is on Central Time):

Monday - Saturday

5:30 a.m.         Vigils and Lauds (Morning Prayer)

7:30 a.m.         Mass

Noon               Noon Prayer

5:00 p.m.         Vespers

7:00 p.m.         Compline


Sundays and Major Feast Days

7:15 a.m.         Vigils and Lauds (Morning Prayer)

9:30 a.m.         Mass

Noon               Noon Prayer

5:00 p.m.         Vespers

7:00 p.m.         Compline

Mass and Vespers will continue to be livestreamed at

In addition, Saturday morning Mass at the Monte Cassino Shrine Chapel will begin on July 3. Mass time is 7 a.m. May through October, and 8 a.m. November through April. The Sunday rosary pilgrimages at Monte Cassino Shrine will resume in October and May.